what is hamsa!!! by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/23 16:25
what is hamsa bracelet...? what work does hamsa
bracelet do? dear friends have you ever tried it?
jaQui 2015/04/23 16:36
I have no idea... Please
Tell me abt it shane?

jaQui 2015/04/23 16:45
Is it a Talisman...for allergys?
saahir 2015/04/23 16:47
Quote: jacki: Is it a Talisman...for allergys?


_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/23 17:15
Quote: jacki: I have no idea... Please
Tell me abt it shane?
it's a powerful bracelet that keeps you safe from evileye and gives you many positive energy and good luck.../smiley

jaQui 2015/04/23 19:06
Quote: shane_stark: it's a powerful bracelet that keeps you safe from evileye and gives you many positive energy and good luck.../smiley
wowow! That's great, where can I get one?

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/23 19:09
Quote: jacki: wowow! That's great, where can I get one?
you will get in the market or you can make one....see the image

jaQui 2015/04/23 19:14
Quote: shane_stark: you will get in the market or you can make one....see the image
is it a copper bangle?

jaQui 2015/04/23 19:16
Quote: shane_stark: what is hamsa bracelet...? what work does hamsa
bracelet do? dear friends have you ever tried it?
wow! I see, is it beads?

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/23 19:17
Quote: jacki: is it a copper bangle?
you can make it in gold or silver go to the gold shop and say I wanna make a Hamsa they will make and put black beads as shown in attachment.... see it/smiley

jaQui 2015/04/23 19:26
Thanx for sharing.rose.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/23 19:38
Quote: jacki: Thanx for sharing.rose.

jaQui 2015/04/24 12:29
I really would like to have a Hamsa...!
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