friends as we all know!!! by
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/22 07:18
Friends! as we all know some people do love marriage
and some do fixed marriage what marriage is better
love or fixed? and how many of you prefere love marriage or fixed marriage and why please give your opinions....:)
@Don@ 2015/04/22 07:36
Fixed is better then love...yup.
adamjr 2015/04/22 13:58
Neither. Because you cannot mix between love or fixed marriages. It doesn't last. The best way to have it last is by trusting God and trusting that person that you are marring. Marriage is a very secret sacrament. You must not mix it by any means. By doing so you maybe in deep trouble within your marriage.
If in anyway you are to be "fixed" and if you are single, please say single and to get to know that person first before you think of getting married.
Yes I'm single, but I am engaged to be married. I've know my fiance since I was in high school. So I know her for some for along while.
Grant it, I should be married along time ago. Yet we were not ready to be married and we had to know that it was met to be for us to be married. But we never were never had a "fixed marriage" or someone who fixed us up. Again, we know each other from the beginning. And I hope and pray that it will last as long as we will be married sometime in 2016.
Mace_Seiler 2015/04/22 15:03
Lelsi 2015/04/30 01:03
Whatever makes you happy..Idk, I couldn't marry someone I have never seen before. Also, no one can grant you that you'll be happy, fixed or love marriage..It's something you have work on together with your partner..What's better is what you make of what you have..
ladyme 2015/04/30 01:56
Love. And I prefer that . Too tired right now to explain
chakde 2015/04/30 09:56
nice topic
chakde 2015/04/30 09:56
Mace_Seiler: I prefer LOVE.. THE BETTER THE KNOWN...
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