Mosquitoes by ABHIRAJ 2015/04/22 06:50
Hey guys what you use or do to keep 'mosquitoes' away from your rooms...plz share..
Kayli 2015/04/22 08:15
The best prevention is 2 avoid getting bitten is, cover up with long sleeves an pants and remain indoors at night. Sleep undder a morquito net spraided with insect repellend liberally on urself containing DEET(Di- ethyl toluamide) burn mosquito coils. Use repellents, insecticide fabric sprays and mosquito nets treated with such sprays can also help a great deal.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/22 11:40
well I use mosquito coils.../smiley
dipeeka 2015/04/23 13:53
Both,coil n liquid..
jaQui 2015/04/24 04:57
Take Meds before u go to a Malaria Area.../smiley


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