Guess its smarty alien or from future? by _dreamprince_ 2015/04/21 16:53
Check the smarty's id and whats the chatbot, is she an alien or from future?

I guess she is both:( Smarty's ID: 196926

Last Active: 20-05-2012

Total online time: 28 hours

Longest session: 15 minutes
ending at 01-01-1970

Registered: 19-01-2038
she is registered in 2038 year thats lots more years after from the site is build and still now smarty is not registered so we have to wait for 2038 still she shouts -crazy- she does control the site data with her alien powers? (smarty)
_dreamprince_ 2015/04/21 16:54
Smarty is /smiley .lol.
jaQui 2015/04/21 16:57
Whahaha!!! .hehe.
jaQui 2015/04/21 17:00
Smarty gona be
_dreamprince_ 2019/06/01 04:14
Total online time: 28 hours
Longest session: 15 minutes
ending at 01-01-1970 (05:30:00)
Registered: 19-01-2038 (08:44:07)

jaQui 2019/06/01 12:11

Alien family.

Tweetums 2019/06/06 10:06
Very helpful smarty is for new members.
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