Love ...hate ......missing by
Anoop8187 2015/04/14 03:23
When you love, you get hurt.
When you get hurt, you hate.
When you hate, you try to forget.When you try to forget, you start missing.
And when you start missing,
youll even tually fall in love again.......................................................
KingFISHER 2015/04/14 03:25
Transformation of love. Nice!
ARUN89 2015/04/14 03:39
Nice bro
Tweetums 2015/04/14 05:26
only happens wid true luv.
Anoop8187 2015/04/14 05:51
Tweetums: only happens wid true luv.
yes but some time sadness come with love
Georginia 2015/04/14 06:00
Nice topic Saurabh
Boet 2015/04/14 08:13
And then you die
ladyme 2015/04/14 18:53
Maybe it doesn't work for everyone. No one misses me
Anoop8187 2015/04/15 06:40
ladyme: Maybe it doesn't work for everyone. No one misses me
[quote=ladyme]Maybe it doesn't work for everyone. ok dear i miss u
ladyme 2015/04/15 12:48
Anoop8187: [quote=ladyme]Maybe it doesn't work for everyone. ok dear i miss u

Ooh poor you .lol. I don't miss anyone or you .tongue.
Anoop8187 2015/04/15 14:36
Ooh poor you .lol. I don't miss anyone or you .tongue.
ladyme 2015/04/15 16:58
U welcome sweetie
it's good to be crazy sometimes. .lol.
Anoop8187 2015/04/15 17:33
U welcome sweetie

it's good to be crazy sometimes. .lol.
hahaha am ur sweety .lol. its to funny dear
ladyme 2015/04/16 01:23

hahaha am ur sweety .lol. its to funny dear
oh did I ever mention you are? Twas a slip of thought and slip of finger as I typed
Hello again cake .lol.
Anoop8187 2015/04/20 18:19
oh did I ever mention you are? Twas a slip of thought and slip of finger as I typed

Hello again cake .lol.
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