Comedy packages... by Lil wayne 2015/04/11 14:54
Queen elizabeth rule England for many years. One faithful evening a young man walked up the the sign post in front of queens building, he climbed with a ladder and a paint in his hand up to the sign post and he started writting ''MAY GOD PUNISH QUEEN ELIZABETH...'' Before he could finish his writtings few men grabed him down and started beating him up...they hit him till he died, they carried him to queen Elizabeth palace and reported his writtins to Queen, queen orderd his gards to bring her the piece of paper she saw in the young mans hand. And it was brought to her but it reads ''GOD PUNISH QUEEN ELIZABETH'S ENEMIES'' And she was disapointed in the action taken by those who killed this young man and she locked them up.

How patience are u? Do u do things without reasoning? Do u jump into any issue without asking questions? Are u a type that has zeal for violence than settling things amicably?

Sometimes We should wait for the full details of anymans act before taking our own drastic violent decision. We shouldn't follow with crowds when doing things...but follow ur mind. Wait!ha
Lil wayne 2015/04/11 14:55
Some men stood in formation order, in a field that's in order mounted by these teams 4rm buorders. A twisted wistle is orderd & d field scarters as some men forthers...a team on blue while d others unknown. much cheers arose as d d blues enroles. A ball emanates from d other side as it was taged shoot aside, a horizontal slid from d other reaches his foot lik an offer, he slids it immediatly into a white net. A goal! i call it a shot 4rm another called drogba. San cata
Lil wayne 2015/04/11 15:03
If love is real...
-Why do we sleep in
church but stay awake
in bars?
-Why is it so hard to
talk to God but so easy to gossip?
-Why is it so easy to
ignore a Godly text
message but re-send
the nasty ones?
-Why do u enjoy worldly songs nd get
bored in heavenly
Are u going to share
this to ur friends or are
u going to ignore it? Jesus said: "if u deny
me in front of ur
friends, i will deny u in
front of my father" if u
love Jesus. try and
SHARE also type AMEN then GOD will surprise

Lil wayne 2015/04/11 15:04
Mr cater opened his eyes
after a
surgical operation and
"Thank God it's over".
A man on the other side of his bed said,
"Don't be so sure,
when i did mine they
an injection in my belly
and had to open it again". Another patient added,
"Same with me but
mine was a pack of
cotton wool". Later on, the doctor
who did the operation
in and asked,...

Lil wayne 2015/04/11 15:06
A lil greedy boy who's name is jim, one day, wanted to eat some groundnut. He never wanted to tell his mom cus he knew his mom wount give him much that will satistfy him.
Soon a thought came into him and he rushed into the dinin where the jar of groundnut was placed, looked around and no one was present, then he diped his left hand into the jar and too grabed so much nuts that his hands couldn't hold....he was ready to draw-out his hand full of nuts but his hand got stucked inside the jar cus he had much nuts in his hand that made it bigger and couldnt alow it out. He draged his hand severaly but all was in vain....jim started cryin for help, this time he wasn't after the nuts but his hand first. His mum heard jim crying and she rusher in to know whats wrong with jim. but she realised that jim was greedy and was trying to steal much groundnuts than he couldnt pull out....she said to gim, gentely, "put some nuts down" as quickly as possible jim put some down, it was then he could draw out his hand out of the jar....


Lil wayne 2015/04/11 15:15
Dear Admin
My name chy,i got
married to the
love of my life ken.when
we got married ken was
staying in his parents compoud coz he was a
boy.after 3yrs of
marriege we were not
able to get a
child.during that time we visited every
specialist,we ran every
kind of tests
to know what was the
matter but found none.doctors
kept saying that we are
in perfect health and we
shud wait alittle
longer.we shifted to our
own house in another town and we
gave ourselves to GOD
started go...

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