smoking weed makes you feel good and reason well by Rico_Marsh101 2015/03/28 04:48
To me I can't say smoking weed is bad, smoking weed is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can reason well, bring up ideas that sell out and I can face anyone without fear. I don't commit crime cus that's not the best way to channel it too. Trust me.
Kayli 2015/03/28 11:33
At the end smoking weed will kill u. Weed is a drug. Go 4 help 2 stop using it.
jimmy_j 2015/03/28 15:11
Bad habbit..
jaQui 2015/03/28 15:17
Weed is great medicine
soweyung 2015/03/28 21:57
i have used it welk
weed is good for high reasoning

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