i asked god! by dellie 2015/03/27 06:10
I asked god ,what xander look like? will he look like his dad or mom or a combination of both. i ask god ,what color is his eyes? are the blue orgreen or brown orblack orblonde orred or color in between?i asked god,will he be short orfat ortall or thin or just right in between? i asked god,i ask this and i ask that,but god what god said this:just wait and see the surprise is greater not knowingand loving is more when you get here xander and see you face to face.but my darling i have loved yousince knowing you were on your way! god,it dont matter what color eyes or hair or short orfat or tall or thin orin between.i love him no matter what cause that's the kind of love a grandma or momma he has!god bless you for my xander and keep him safe and warm, i pray: in heaven above and here on earth below.lord thank you for your care and sending xander soon. in jesus' name, amen
Jollyman 2015/03/27 15:03


dellie 2015/03/27 15:14
Thank u my first grandson! very excited.
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