*When u ar guilty* by Kayli 2015/03/24 21:57
How will u handle the death of a kid, when u drive over the kid with ur car or bike ?
Thapasya 2015/03/25 01:25
I can't comments on this topic, sorry
ABHIRAJ 2015/03/25 08:21
OMG... I wont create tht scene for which I have to be guilty
ACIDized 2015/03/25 10:24
Escape without being seen.
Georginia 2015/03/25 10:35
Omg..... pray to God dat day wont come to me.
Dr.rahul 2015/03/25 13:59
Firstly I drive very slow if atall such incident happens I will take the child to the nearest hospital ... I know such incidents occur in which the fault is of the child not of the driver ... parents should take responsiblity ... of sch cases ...
Dr.rahul 2015/03/25 14:01
Quote: ABHIRAJ: OMG... I wont create tht scene for which I have to be guilty
what you will do if you r drving a bike and suddenly a small boy jumps in the middle and even if you apply brakes the bike goes over the child ??? (Note : the same incident occured wid my dad )

Dr.rahul 2015/03/25 14:02
Quote: Kayli: How will u handle the death of a kid, when u drive over the kid with ur car or bike ?
wht would you do ??

ABHIRAJ 2015/03/25 15:25
Quote: Dr.rahul: what you will do if you r drving a bike and suddenly a small boy jumps in the middle and even if you apply brakes the bike goes over the child ??? (Note : the same incident occured wid my dad )

Will take that person for medical help as soon as possible as required and will inform his family if possible,

Dr.rahul 2015/03/25 15:27
Will take that person for medical help as soon as possible as required and will inform his family if possible,

Georginia 2015/03/25 17:03
Will take that person for medical help as soon as possible as required and will inform his family if possible,
Well said jiju.

NAASH 2015/03/25 23:38
Quote: Kayli: How will u handle the death of a kid, when u drive over the kid with ur car or bike ?
I always travel in a Bus____!!!

ladyme 2015/03/31 22:34
No! May such never happen in my life time
Hareesh 2015/04/03 03:21
. . . . . . .g
detrimentum 2015/04/03 18:40
Really? I don't entertain such thoughts... Its depressing.
Boet 2015/04/04 01:41
As far as i am concerned, that is absolute negligenge on part of a parent! How does it happen that a parent does'nt at all times know where a child is???
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