*Your Goal* by jaQui 2015/03/21 09:00
The only thing standing between
you and your goal is that bullchat
story you keep telling yourself as
to why you can't achieve it.....

Dr.rahul 2015/03/21 09:10
Boet 2015/03/21 09:36
Doubtlessly so
Kayli 2015/03/21 21:04
thats not nice from a Mod 2 swear like that '
Kayli 2015/03/21 21:06
Its up 2 u 2 reach ur goal. We all hav choices.
Kayli 2015/03/21 21:15
thats better lauguage.
jaQui 2015/03/22 07:46

w0w! I like my followers.rose.

ACIDized 2015/03/23 08:35
Bullshxt is a swear word? What bollocks? Is 2wap so pretentious? 2wapworld is the most hypocritical forum, where people can't use slangs, but can copy paste. -lmao-
jaQui 2015/03/28 15:26
Quote: ACIDized: Bullshxt is a swear word? What bollocks? Is 2wap so pretentious? 2wapworld is the most hypocritical forum, where people can't use slangs, but can copy paste. -lmao-

_dreamprince_ 2015/03/28 15:30
Well said
_dreamprince_ 2015/03/28 15:31
Quote: Kayli: thats better lauguage.

Kayli 2015/03/28 15:32
Quote: ACIDized: Bullshxt is a swear word? What bollocks? Is 2wap so pretentious? 2wapworld is the most hypocritical forum, where people can't use slangs, but can copy paste. -lmao-
Swearing is not slang.

Kayli 2015/03/28 15:34
Quote: _dreamprince_: really?
the swearing hav been change again. So its nt "really"

_dreamprince_ 2015/03/28 15:37
Quote: Kayli: the swearing hav been change again. So its nt "really"
how? And u made new topic about it?

jaQui 2015/03/28 15:45
Off topic will b deleted.
Kayli 2015/03/28 15:49
dlt ur off topics also.
Kayli 2015/03/28 15:50
dlt ur off topics also thn
_dreamprince_ 2015/03/28 16:01
Its u posting off topic post , this topic is not off
Quote: Kayli: dlt ur off topics also thn

ACIDized 2015/03/28 16:12
Quote: Kayli: Swearing is not slang.

Then Please define swearing?
I guess you and topic poster have some personal rivalry, which I don't want to be a part of.

jaQui 2015/03/28 16:21
Quote: ACIDized:
Then Please define swearing?
I guess you and topic poster have some personal rivalry, which I don't want to be a part of.
God have mercy on me.hehe. She messied up my topic

jaQui 2015/03/29 01:50
Quote: princess_Soniya: the only way to achieve a goal is to never doubt yourself
nicely said jacki
well said suni

Replies: 26

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