*Your Goal* by jaQui2015/03/21 09:00 The only thing standing between
you and your goal is that bullchat
story you keep telling yourself as
to why you can't achieve it.....
jaQui2015/03/22 07:46 w0w! I like my followers.rose.
ACIDized2015/03/23 08:35 Bullshxt is a swear word? What bollocks? Is 2wap so pretentious? 2wapworld is the most hypocritical forum, where people can't use slangs, but can copy paste. -lmao-
Quote: ACIDized: Bullshxt is a swear word? What bollocks? Is 2wap so pretentious? 2wapworld is the most hypocritical forum, where people can't use slangs, but can copy paste. -lmao-
Quote: ACIDized: Bullshxt is a swear word? What bollocks? Is 2wap so pretentious? 2wapworld is the most hypocritical forum, where people can't use slangs, but can copy paste. -lmao-