* 80 years -old- * by jaQui 2015/03/20 08:06
A guy goes into confession and
says to the priest, Father, Im 80
years old, widower, with 11
grandchildren. Last night I met
two beautiful flight attendants.
They took me home and I made
love to both of them. Twice. The
priest says, Well, my son, when
was the last time you were in
confession? Never Father, Im
Jewish. So then, why are you
telling me?
Im telling everybody! -lol-
saahir 2015/03/20 08:08
Omg. .lol.
Boet 2015/03/21 05:42
oohlala... How delightful some sins can be eh?
Dr.rahul 2015/03/23 17:56
jaQui 2015/12/13 21:49
Poor grandpa .yay.
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