*The pull of Life* by
Kayli 2015/03/15 09:14
Whenever we find ourselfs having to PUSH ourselfs out of bed in the morning, PUSH ourselfs 2 work, thn PUSH ourselfs back home to some1 waiting 4 us, we're living th wrong life. Even though Life does take effort, PUSHING is not the direction to go. In fact, PUSHING either send us in a haphazard direction, or no direction at all. Instead let Life PULL u towards your dreams.
ABHIRAJ 2015/03/15 09:24
Thts true..well said,nyc topic as usual..
Marlou 2015/03/15 11:04
Well, sometimes we need to push ourselves. N0w adays waiting our live to pull us t0wards success would take us t0o l0ng. Many are waiting to have what we have. To get the goal, we need determinati0n and efforts to achieve our dreams..
ladyme 2015/03/15 12:31
But life often doesn't pull us to our dreams . It pushes what it likes at us and we call it "fate" . Sweet buddy I would rather work towards what I want and patiently wait for it to happen
ACIDized 2015/03/15 14:29
This is do what you love to do, then life won't feel like being stuck in a rut. But not everyone gets to do what they love. Life doesn't always Obey our wishes. If we could control the course of our life? Wouldn't everything be so easy?
nazeer 2015/03/15 16:28
wel said
Samuel099 2015/03/28 07:36
"Life is how you make it" .think.
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