Don't dismiss suicide bombers as Madmen by jaQui 2015/03/05 11:57

While seemingly an obvious
conclusion to come to, history
teaches us that it is too easy to
dismiss suicide bombers as
madmen. For centuries - from the
assassins of Alamut against the
Persians in the 12th century to the
Japanese Kamikaze pilots - those
prepared to kill themselves to
damage an enemy are often young men brainwashed into believing their deaths can guarantee them a place in paradise. Unlike those soldiers who give their lives on the
battlefield, they die with smiles on
their faces in the knowledge that
the moment their blood is spilled,
all their earthly sins will be
forgiven. Inside the mind of the
suicide terrorist, cool reason is
replaced with a chilling dedication
and hatred for an enemy so huge
jaQui 2015/03/05 12:22
Some claim that "suicide bombers" are against Islam, since SUICIDE is forbidden in Islam, even one of the major sins. Why then do these attacks happen on such a regular basis? Why are those people celebrated as martyrs?
The puzzle is solved by recognizing that "suicide bomber" is simply a false terminology.
The purpose of these people is not
to kill themselves. They wish to kill the enemies of Islam, and in their view the most effective way to kill as many of their enemies as
possible is to do it in this particular way. Their own death is accepted as a necessary sacrifice.
Any suicide bomber whose belt
blows off before he reaches the
enemy, who is killed without doing damage to others will be
considered an utter failure. They
and many other Muslims believe
that they are not rewarded for
simply dying, but for dying as a
means for killing.

Xiao Zen 2015/03/09 21:29
Qur’an 6:151 says, “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.” Therefore life is sacred.

The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said: "A believer continues to guard his Faith (and thus hopes for Allah's Mercy) so long as he does not shed blood unjustly". Therefore to shed blood unjustly is abhorrent in Islam and invites the judgement of Allah.

In matters of war Muslims are instructed "Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman”, “Do not kill monks in the monasteries” further reinforced by "Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not commit aggression, God does not love aggressors.” Qur’an 2:190.

_SaMuRaI_ 2015/03/20 05:39
Quote: Opium: Qur’an 6:151 says, “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.” Therefore life is sacred.

The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said: "A believer continues to guard his Faith (and thus hopes for Allah's Mercy) so long as he does not shed blood unjustly". Therefore to shed blood unjustly is abhorrent in Islam and invites the judgement of Allah.

In matters of war Muslims are instructed "Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman”, “Do not kill monks in the monasteries” further reinforced by "Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not commit aggression, God does not love aggressors.” Qur’an 2:190.
post the most dangerous and violent quotes from Quran too :-D

Xiao Zen 2015/03/23 06:31
Quote: _SaMuRaI_: post the most dangerous and violent quotes from Quran too :-D
Nothing in human history has proven itself more dangerous or leads to as much violence as ignorance. For this I need make no special post or reference, everyday examples are common enough.

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