The Quran's Maniscript Evidence by
jaQui 2015/03/04 09:40
A manuscript analysis of the Qur’an
does present us with unique
problems not encountered with the Bible. While we can find multiple manuscripts for the Bible written 700-900 years earlier, at a time when durable paper was not even used, the manuscripts for the
Qur’an within the century in which
it was purported to have been
compiled, the seventh century,
simply do not exist. Prior to 750
A.D. (thus for 100 years after
Muhammad’s death) we have no
verifiable Muslim documents which can give us a window into this formative period of Islam.
1. In fact the primary sources which we possess are from 150-300 years after the events which they describe, and therefore are quite distant from those events.
2. For that reason they are, for all
practical purposes, secondary
sources, as they rely on other
material, much of which no longer
Boet 2015/03/04 11:56
I fully agree with this assessment of Jacki. With all respects to our Muslim community, i do say that there are just to many SCIENTIFIC facts surrounding the Quaran, to accept it as Divinity. Too many quistion marks arises about the periods professed. The Holy Bible have facts, that can be historically verified by available evidence, which is somewhat lacking of the Quoran. However, the teachings of the Quoran can not be dismissed purely as fiction, because there are too many likenesses to Abrahism. What i truly believe with all my heart, is that ANY individual HAS to be allowed to practice their own religion in peace and solace. NO person should ever be judged according to their innate beliefs. THAT, is prescribed by BOTH the Bible and the Quoran. May GOD bless us all
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