*MIRACLES* by jaQui 2015/02/19 11:02
Many people desire miracles from God. They want God to perform miracles to “prove” Himself to them. “If only God would perform a miracle, sign, or wonder, then I would believe!” This idea,
though, is contradicted by
Scripture. When God performed
amazing and powerful miracles for the Israelites, did that cause them to obey Him? No, the Israelites constantly disobeyed and rebelled against God...

Did y0u experianced any miracles or know ab0ut a friend that did?
Do y0u believe in miracles?
saahir 2015/02/19 11:12
If we are good humanbeing, that is a great religion and great miracle of the life.
Rohan786 2015/02/19 11:14
Didnt experienced yet....
jaQui 2015/02/19 11:24
Actually i mean real powerfull miracles performed by God.
aLiEn 2015/02/19 11:26
I dont need any miracle or something like that yo believe god is there or not but i just want to know what is god n where is he?
Some people say he is in our soul
Some people say he is in our work
Some people say he is in Temples
Some people say he is in Masjids
Some people say he is in Churches
But i really dont where he really exist?
Some people say he is just like Air always surrounded with us but some times to show his presence on earth Air also turns into Storm....
So in that why god is not showing his presence on earth?
I dont ask him to do miracles but i simply ask him Where are you?

jaQui 2015/02/19 11:53

Where is God? People say, "show
me God." But if God is invisible,
how can he show himself?

Georginia 2015/02/19 12:16
Yes i have seen miracles in my life. It was on the rural area where i was working alone at night with just one wardgirl n one doctor. That happen in 2004. An 8 months old baby came for admission at 7am in the morning with severe diarrhoea n vomiting. Whole day the baby was on salinr but no improvement. I was having nite duty that nite doctor lose hope on that baby we try i/v line not going anymore,we give injection 4hrly Dexamethazone but everything useless. Baby was gasping for breathe look like she will go anytime. Doctor send patient to Shilllong big hospital but they cannot afford they are too poor to go other hospital. When the father of the baby saw the the condition of the baby knew she wud die only. All of us soround her bed while mother hugged the baby in her lap. The father suddenly cried hard n pray hard to God with words i have never heard before tear in his eyes he asked forgiveness nasked God to spare his baby. Suddenly i heard him say "I saw the cross that heal my baby" suddenly the baby is silent no more gasping for breathe. I thought maybe that baby had expire but no slowly i crawl to the baby side n check her dint dusturb the praying father. I check the baby pulse normal n baby breathing peacefully. Dats how i say "this is real miracle" I praise God for this miracle. The baby stay for 3days without giving anymore meds except antibiotics n went home healthy n happy.
Thank God for this miracle.

Jill 2015/02/19 13:16
I strongly believe that god does the miracles only when we are true honest and hardworking... /smiley
jaQui 2015/02/19 13:25
@ Georginia.. Great story swty.
Boet 2015/02/19 19:51
Where is God? God is EVERYWHERE! Each and every day is a miracle in itself. Although miracles abound in our everyday lives, we fail to notice such because, as human nature prescribes, we ALWAYS want more! All the riches and good fortune in the world, can not possibly compare to the birth of a new being. Be it human or animal. Even the simplest flower, like cosmos, can not be imitated by mankind. We are constantly ignoring HIS miracle; CREATION, which has been bestowed upon us. We would rather place ourselves on a throne, and act gods ourselves, by attempting to be superior to our bretheren and sisters. To destroy our heritage of nature. To use HIS name in vain. We shut out GOD from our hearts, out of fear that HE might see how black it really is
TemPEST 2015/02/19 23:44
I've seen so many miracles
&i believe strongly in it

God is supreme nd shldn't be doubted,he alone has all the answers

_LeGoLaS_ 2015/02/22 07:33
God don't came here to show miracle lol he don't need that
Rango 2015/02/25 17:05
Miracles which were priviously perfomed in the Bible were for a purpose.But after they had accomplished their purpose, those miraculous gifts would cease.
Miracles r not a quality of God's people now, but faith, hope, & love

1 Cor. 13:8, 13
"Love never fails.But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with;if there are tongues, they will cease:..Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love."
Read also, John 13:35, Math 24:24

jaQui 2015/11/26 22:22
Quote: TemPEST: I've seen so many miracles
&i believe strongly in it

God is supreme nd shldn't be doubted,he alone has all the answers

#78 Faith/Beliefs
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