You stupid! Earth is flat & you call it round by
TheOne 2015/02/15 19:37
The Fatwa: Grand Mufti Sheikh Ibn Baaz: The Sun Revolves Around the EarthIn a 2000 Fatwa titled “The Transmitted and Sensory Proofs of the Rotation of the Sun and Stillness of the Earthâ€,
Saudi Arabian Grand Mufti Sheikh Ibn Baaz asserted that the earth was flat and disk-like and that the sun revolved around it. He had insisted that satellite images to the contrary were nothing but a Western conspiracy against the Islamic world.
Source: Al-Ahram Weekly Issue 477, 13-19 April, 2000.
Kayli 2015/04/07 20:00
The world is round
detrimentum 2015/04/08 16:50
This is getting extremely old... Seriously... Get something productive to do.
Boet 2015/04/14 08:08
yaah right... And the moon is made of cheese
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