Grand mufti orders to drink Mohammad urine by TheOne 2015/02/15 19:28
The Fatwa: Sheik Ali Gomaa: Urine FatwaAccording to Egypt’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, drinking the urine of Muhammad is deemed a great blessing. What, they have a lot of this stuff lying around, going to waste or something? Remember, Muhammad never claimed that he himself was divine—so why does his peace have magic properties? Failing to pass the laugh test with Muslim scholars, Mufti later recanted, saying it was only his “personal opinion”.
Source: “A Fatwa Free-for-All in the Islamic World”, New York Times, Michael Slackman Published: Monday, June 11, 2007
Musafir 2015/02/16 01:43
Not interested in a such arguments ? I have lot of work to do ? Remember , this kind of sayings are only rumors.
Forget it ! Move ahead !

Musafir 2015/02/16 01:49
And u r not too much qualified such as Dr naik to say Muhammad claimed he was divine or not, enjoy in comedy club instead of wasting u r time here..... And who is publisher..... Hahaha

Michael slack man /smiley a non Muslim.... Enemy of Islam.. A liar.

Musafir 2015/02/16 01:56
Do u know where is head quarter of Islam from where all fatwa's are eligible ? It is in New Delhi (INDIA) @ Nizammuddin.
only fatwa from Nizammudin are real fatwa....

Musafir 2015/02/16 01:59
And if u r interested in drinking urine ? Make other topic .
Here are many active members, u will get u r parcel. B c o z u can't drink urine of prophet as he was b 4 1400 years.

Samuel099 2015/02/16 07:13
Scientific trasher
Red_Tie 2015/02/16 08:37
Mentally sick
NinthElement 2015/02/16 13:49
It's just the bizarre idea of one loon... What's the point? /smiley
TheOne 2015/02/18 05:56
It's Saudi grand mufti's fatwa and no Islam headquarters is not in India. Islam was born in Saudi Arab, tell this thing to Saudi arab and they'll chop u for blasphemy. Calm down musafir, No muslim in the world takes Indian muslims seriously, according to them you're inferior. (And if HQ of islam just shifted to india as you said, why you're still going for hajj??)
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