Xiaomi phones by
Samuel099 2015/02/09 10:47
Woohoo! A 5 years old company is now the third smartphones manufucturer in the world also competing with so-called apple and iphones. if you want a full content search. xiami. check the device and compare with iphones, u will come to know that xiaomi..
Samuel099 2015/02/09 11:25
Are the best brand also affordable prize as compare to shxt iphones and apple lags. hehe.
go to google then select images, then compare xiaomi phones to so called apple or iphone. it wont be surprise to go for xiaomi. thumbsup Xiaomi
Samuel099 2015/02/09 11:42
(thankyou) bro! for like. what did u see after comparing the two brands? is not a xiaomi phones? hehe clap for china
TemPEST 2015/02/11 11:21
Samuel099: A....hole! talk sense in post. never comment on my posts s.o.b
take a walk
_SaMuRaI_ 2015/02/17 04:45
I don't buy Chinese items
Samuel099 2015/02/17 09:25
LeGoLaS: I don't buy Chinese items
Hehe what device are you using? if your using apple and samsung. dont quote me cause it's china also your india xolo phones is a chinese product manufacturing in india, what again? -nana-
Dr.rahul 2015/02/17 13:01
Samuel099: Hehe what device are you using? if your using apple and samsung. dont quote me cause it's china also your india xolo phones is a chinese product manufacturing in india, what again? -nana-
samsung is a korean product
Samuel099 2015/02/17 15:43
Dr.rahul: samsung is a korean product
Yeah I know but they make a deal with the chinese to manufacturer them more phones ummm now the deal is over, thats why samsung is in trouble, lacking things. can you pls google before questioning?
Dr.rahul 2015/02/17 15:54
Samuel099: Yeah I know but they make a deal with the chinese to manufacturer them more phones ummm now the deal is over, thats why samsung is in trouble, lacking things. can you pls google before questioning?
they hv their factories installed in china .. thats why they say manufactured in china ...they assemble the parts in china ...
Samuel099 2015/02/17 15:55
Dr.rahul: they hv their factories installed in china .. thats why they say manufactured in china ...they assemble the parts in china ...
Hehe then what again?
what about Apple?
Dr.rahul 2015/02/17 15:58
Samuel099: Hehe then what again?
what about Apple?
same goes with apple
Samuel099 2015/02/17 16:03
Im sorry Apple dont have any company in US. except stores in california, san francisco
bad-apple 2015/02/17 16:14
Xiaomi is considered the Apple of China..they have been successful because of their unique marketing strategy
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