GFW OR Great firewall of china by Samuel099 2015/02/09 00:00
China have blocked/banned thousands of sites through their censor because of the following reasons. -gap- search in yahoo! or google. The Great firewall of china for full results.

Chinese have been banned or blocked some social sites like gmail,

Samuel099 2015/02/09 00:06
Skype, whatsapp, Twitter, facebook, instagram youtube and snapchat so far that's all i know. so try to search in yahoo! great firewall of china for their reasons and other sites which have been banned or blocked by them
NinthElement 2015/02/09 00:59
Indeed, it's a symptom of a highly paranoid and controlling government and has been the case for many years. In neighbouring North Korea it's worse though - normal people have no access to the internet at all, only those associated with the ruling party.
Dr.rahul 2015/02/09 05:07
I feel lucky and proud to be born in india where we have equality andfreedom of speech ..... ......
Samuel099 2015/02/09 08:55
Quote: Ragnorak: Indeed, it's a symptom of a highly paranoid and controlling government and has been the case for many years. In neighbouring North Korea it's worse though - normal people have no access to the internet at all, only those associated with the ruling party.
It isn't that either! each and everyone can access the net but, the government blocked it for a reasons like, not allow his citizen to watch porno, practise LGBT also they've their own version of fb, twitter, skype and others.. google it for full content

_LeGoLaS_ 2015/02/09 09:08
there matter why other's care about them :-D
Samuel099 2015/02/09 09:21
Quote: Dr.rahul: I feel lucky and proud to be born in india where we have equality andfreedom of speech ..... ......
Do you search for full result, before commenting? or just saying what you know?

Samuel099 2015/02/09 09:38
Quote: _LeGoLaS_: there matter why other's care about them :-D
Yeah but the shxt Americans wanna cos trouble. just bcos they want their so-called apple phone to be sold there but chinese have banned it also want the government to legalized LGBT. If US tried to do shxt they'll soon be collapsed said by one chinese man.

Dr.rahul 2015/02/09 09:45
Quote: Samuel099: Do you search for full result, before commenting? or just saying what you know?
nope but I know its a communist nation ... they are suffering. ... thats for sure. ..

Samuel099 2015/02/09 10:20
Quote: Dr.rahul: nope but I know its a communist nation ... they are suffering. ... thats for sure. ..
Ha ha have you seen them on tv or net begging for others or seeking aid? -nana-

Samuel099 2015/02/09 10:27
List of censorship countries in the world.

1. Burman
2. North Korea
3. Cuba
4. Saudi Arabia
5. Iran
6. China
7. Syria
8. Tunisia
9. Vietnam
10. Turkmenistan

recent ones
1. Eriktrea
2. Bahrain
3. Pakistand
4. Russia

note: the recent is for only social

Xiao Zen 2015/02/10 04:13
Quote: Ragnorak: Indeed, it's a symptom of a highly paranoid and controlling government and has been the case for many years. In neighbouring North Korea it's worse though - normal people have no access to the internet at all, only those associated with the ruling party.

If you ask me, which you did not, most governments are paranoid and controlling. This could just be my anarchic leanings showing through however when they are not censoring the internet (China is not the only one to do so) they are spying on you for no logical or legal reason (this at least is not as common in China as it is in the west), considering this it is difficult to think of most governments as anything but paranoid and controlling.

Xiao Zen 2015/02/10 04:29
Btw being LGBT is not illegal in China, while homosexuality is not often taken seriously and marriage is certainly not legal but simply being homosexual carries no legal consequences.

The Hong Kong bill of rights, while not conferring specific protection, provides protection under anti-discrimination laws against people with an "other" status as was confirmed in Leung TC William Roy v Secretary for Justice (2006).

You may be on a crusade Samuel but China, or more specifically this part of China, is not.

Samuel099 2015/02/10 07:27
Quote: Opium: Btw being LGBT is not illegal in China, while homosexuality is not often taken seriously and marriage is certainly not legal but simply being homosexual carries no legal consequences.

The Hong Kong bill of rights, while not conferring specific protection, provides protection under anti-discrimination laws against people with an "other" status as was confirmed in Leung TC William Roy v Secretary for Justice (2006).

You may be on a crusade Samuel but China, or more specifically this part of China, is not.
What the hell are you talken about? You havent been in china before so quit that trashy word hong kong -nana- Taiwan is part of chinese but the foolish US president who's making it force nation, dare to talk about hk, U can go practised that in china haha

Samuel099 2015/02/10 07:31
Opium, is California part of US? If yes then quit your shxt. If taiwan Us made isnt part of china why is't that they're under chinese censor control? -nana- think. pls dont comment base on what u'ave read on USA trashy sites. -nana-
wHere is HK located?

Dr.rahul 2015/02/10 07:45
Who deleted my post from before...../smiley
Samuel099 2015/02/10 07:50
Quote: Dr.rahul: Who deleted my post from before...../smiley
You can contact your staffs maybe they did it just because your enemy to someone. that is why i hate them -nana-

Dr.rahul 2015/02/10 07:51
Quote: Samuel099: You can contact your staffs maybe they did it just because your enemy to someone. that is why i hate them -nana-

Samuel099 2015/02/10 07:54
Quote: Dr.rahul: /smiley
ummm contact Rohan786 or ethereal for help but the rest sound lol in this site, i hate them

Dr.rahul 2015/02/10 07:55
Quote: Samuel099: ummm contact Rohan786 or ethereal for help but the rest sound lol in this site, i hate them
let it b who cares abt a dmm post .... /smiley

Samuel099 2015/02/10 07:58
Quote: Dr.rahul: let it b who cares abt a dmm post .... /smiley
Im not all that type of guys that go angry easy, anyway thanks. hehe. Im happy to hear that word from ya, breaking my rules -nana-

Replies: 30

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