Some social apps or sites will be banned in UK by Samuel099 2015/02/08 23:40
UK Prime ministers David Cameron to banned imessage, whatsapp, snapchat and other social siteswhen comes to power again. According to him, This will make it impossible for terrorists to communicate via private messages.
NinthElement 2015/02/09 00:26
Your source for this please? Because frankly it sounds like nonsense of the highest order /smiley
Samuel099 2015/02/09 09:07
Quote: Ragnorak: Your source for this please? Because frankly it sounds like nonsense of the highest order /smiley
search on yahoo or google. David Cameron to banned whatsapp.

/smiley Ragnorak is angry because of the news -nana-

NinthElement 2015/02/09 14:33
I read Mr Cameron's comments and I think they've being misinterpreted by some of the articles reporting them. It sounds more like he is suggesting that the makers of such apps should be compelled to allow the security services to intercept data communicated through them, in cases where they want to be able to spy on suspected terrorists etc. Having said that, I am against the principle of governments ordering companies to make it easier for them to watch and eavesdrop on us. If they want to spy, let them work it out for themselves I say or obtain a court order in specific cases where they think they need the information.
TheOne 2015/02/09 20:20
UK to become pakistan 2?
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