*ghost love* by jaQui2015/02/08 08:31 Sipho goes toe University: The
Professor was discussing the subject of the "paranormal" and wanted to get the feel from the students.
He asked; "who believes in ghosts?" -
about half the class raised their
hands. "Good" he said. "Who has
seen a ghost before?" - about a
quarter of the class raised their
hands. "Interesting" he said. "Tell
me; who has touched a ghost
before?" - a few hands went up.
"Hmm; interesting. Now tell me;
who has made love to a ghost
before?" - silence ... There in the
back of the class he sees a lonely
hand raising ever so slowly. "Aha!
That is most interesting - come to
the front young man!" Sipho walks up to the podium. "Please young man, tell the class; what was it like making love to a ghost?" ... "HAU a ghost!" Sipho said. I THOUGHT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT A GOAT!!" *laugh*