*Think of th greatest good* by
Kayli 2015/02/07 21:31
We all knw th power of immediate gratification, but is tht really th best thing 4 u ? If u can hold off on something now, will thr be something better later ? Is what you're doing for now actually keeping you back from getting something better 2morrow ? Or worse, actually hurting you ? Its important 2 think about whats BEST. NOT WHATS GOOD.
TemPEST 2015/02/07 23:56
True words
Georginia 2015/02/08 00:46
Exactly well said sis.
Rohan786 2015/02/08 02:05
Well said...!!!
ABHIRAJ 2015/02/08 03:44
Nycly said.
saahir 2015/02/08 18:15
Yes, true it is.
Boet 2015/02/12 21:13
I agree totally with the topic writer! When young, we do not always think, or act responsibly. Some years down the road, you sit back, and wonder how on earth you could have made some decisions you took! But that is part of life eh? With time comes wisdom. And with wisdom, one is able to forgive oneself with past indifference to ethical and consciencal incorrect misbehaviour.
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