73surgeries under open sky in 4hours by
Dr.SusuSwamy 2015/02/01 08:35
In Modi ji sacred constituency Varanasi, Virat Doctors performs 73 sterilisation surgeries under open sky in a record time of 4 hours.
Check the attachent for source
Reminder of Modi ji slogan "Saugandh Mujhe iss mitti ki mai desh jhukne nahi dunga"
xboysz 2015/02/01 12:19
awesome man.
_LeGoLaS_ 2015/02/01 17:06
let me start posting every Muslim terrorist attack to insult the Muslims here??? not with fake account like haris mulla doing
Dr.SusuSwamy 2015/02/01 18:14
_LeGoLaS_: let me start posting every Muslim terrorist attack to insult the Muslims here??? not with fake account like haris mulla doing
NinthElement 2015/02/01 18:46
If there is such a problem with birth control surely vasectomy would be much simpler than sterilising women. Or better still just hand out condoms.
GhAyAl 2015/07/09 07:59
GazWa-e-hind iSiRss
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