*Happy Birthday Haris* by Kayli 2015/01/31 18:19
On the 2nd Feb it is haris birthday. -bday- and hav a lovely day ' *namaste*
saahir 2015/01/31 18:21

detrimentum 2015/01/31 18:26
ahhhh hairass! happy birthday muffin!! Hope you have a lovely day. /smiley
haris 2015/01/31 19:47
Quote: Kayli: On the 2nd Jan it is haris birthday. /smiley and hav a lovely day ' *namaste*
hey its on 2nd feb and not jan. thank u very much for the topic btw.. /smiley

Georginia 2015/01/31 20:26
Many.happy return of the day bro/smiley May you have many more birthday to celebrate in the year to come /smiley
ARUN89 2015/01/31 21:56
Happy b'day haris...
joes 2015/02/01 01:17
Happy happy birthday my dear wish u all the best??
HandsomeDon 2015/02/01 02:06
many many happy return of the /smiley to you ...
TemPEST 2015/02/01 07:34
Many happy returns

Srinudad143 2015/02/01 18:58
Happy birth day 2 haris,may god bless u ..
jaQui 2015/02/01 21:48
Happy birth day 2u .group.
haris 2015/02/02 13:31
thank u very much all the lovely people.. /smiley
_LeGoLaS_ 2015/02/03 16:51
happy birthday sususwamy /smiley
jaQui 2015/02/03 16:55
Quote: haris: thank u very much all the lovely people.. /smiley

we will miss u swty/smiley

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