who was Muhammad by
_LeGoLaS_ 2015/01/21 09:16
According to Bhavishya purana
Mahamada (Incarnation of Tripurasura
the demon) = Dharmadushika
(Polluter of righteousness)
Religion founded by Mahamada =
Paisachyadharama (demoniac
Muhammad in bhavishya purana
haris 2015/01/21 09:21
This a true viraat topic by a real viraat hindu brain brother.. a real virat hindu brain doesnt care whether his beliefs are factual or logical, but he makes sure to find out anything interesting or disrespecting a mullah or a missionery agent. so topic of the month..
_LeGoLaS_ 2015/01/21 09:27
haris: This a true viraat topic by a real viraat hindu brain brother.. a real virat hindu brain doesnt care whether his beliefs are factual or logical, but he makes sure to find out anything interesting or disrespecting a mullah or a missionery agent. so topic of the month..
who told you Muhammad was messenger of God? any proof behind that logic?
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