what's your views? by _LeGoLaS_ 2015/01/20 16:14
If women were physically
stronger than men, would
rape be different from what
it is now?
Samuel099 2015/01/20 16:20
Yeah because they will pregnant so they wont unlike guys rape then walk away.
jaQui 2015/01/20 18:52
What do u mean by would rape be different from what it is now?
Rape is rape!

amitverma 2015/01/20 20:55
How can it be a different,it will be the same as it is now
dellie 2015/01/20 22:41
More likely same but it could go either way. makes u think?
TemPEST 2015/01/20 23:19
Slightly correct
buh younger boys would till be in trouble

SONIC 2015/01/21 07:01
rapists's death rate wud hav increased../smiley
haris 2015/01/21 09:13
owhh anothet viraat topic from a viraat brain brther.. /smiley
Rohan786 2015/01/21 11:57
Not sure....may be little different but not much...
NinthElement 2015/01/23 03:10
Knowing Samurai this may be a chess-inspired question, considering the queen is more powerful than the king /smiley Seriously though, it would probably mean that rape would become very rare /smiley
ladyme 2015/01/23 11:49
In terms of rate of rape I think it will be reduced . @ Ragnorak chess inspired question? Lolz
Rohan786 2015/01/23 11:52
.hehe. @Rag u maybe correct....hehe. /smiley
detrimentum 2015/01/24 11:59
can a man get an erection when something he doesn't want is happening? If yes, the penis is stronger than the brain. I respect brain power more than musle power. If no.... well....
GhAyAl 2015/02/17 17:01
den she rape him dnt worry
Boet 2015/02/17 22:33
Quote: jacki: What do u mean by would rape be different from what it is now?
Rape is rape!
I absolutely agree with Jacki

LoneLy_heArt 2015/02/18 17:06
look a woman like your mother/sister!
Dr.rahul 2015/02/19 04:55
Then there would have been organisations like men empowerment .... etc like womens hv .hehe.
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