If u r a true christian come n share ur testimony by Srinudad143 2015/01/17 19:30
My beloved brethern in christ,i thank my god upon consultance of u ppl u lyk dis.Basically i came from hindu background and middle cls family.In My schooling got good academic record and in graduation as well.After my education i had worked in well knwn orgnization vid gud package.But i could nt find peace in my heart any where.Oneday i seen word of god written on a wall.I read it accidently. God spoke to me by the word that " GOD DEMONSTRATES HIS LOVE TOWARDS US,IN THAT WE WERE STILL SINNERS CHRIST DIED FOR US(ROMA5:8).Inexpressible joy found in my heart at that tym.so i used to go nearest church every sunday.I b cam stornger day by day as i was knwing abt him who is he(nature of god in him),wht did fr me(salvation),y(sin) darkness gone out completly.accepted jesus christ is my lord and saviour.nw every day i experience comfort in holy spirit. By sharing our testimonies v vil b stornger in spirit and they may be saved those who r nt yet knwn him.
Shish 2015/01/18 11:52
Srinudad143 2015/02/09 12:24
Srinudad143 2015/02/10 07:42
M wondering..
#78 Faith/Beliefs
Share your views and beliefs on religion, theology, culture and matters of faith.