please be carefull by SONIC2015/01/12 14:24 this incident happened when i was crossing the railway
track to the ticket counter...another girl about 20-22 yr old was
also there crossing the track to the this time another
man was arriving in our opposite direction...when he approached
the girl,all of a sudden he grabs her waist and just walked away
as if nothing has happened...the girl shocked and looked back at him..he just walking away very cool...suddenly she informed this
to people who were there nearby and they gathered and followed
him...but he ran fast and escaped
dear friends,be carefull..dont let your sisters or girlfrns alone.. antisocial perverts are on hunt
Georginia2015/01/12 14:32 Yes this is true. Many of us girls experience this. So be careful for this type of maniac.
Xiao Zen2015/01/14 05:08 This is a problem in Japan too. There are women only boarding points and train carts during rush hour, in most places they also allow little children of either gender to use this same service but no teenage or adult men. But if we manage to avoid perverts on trains we just run into them elsewhere (some even hide in gutters with cameras in all or high female area's).
detrimentum2015/01/14 17:11 pepper spray the weirdo... I would. I'd empty a can in his face.
AGONYandEXTASY2015/01/14 19:17 yeah...beware the horseman,the master of bit and spur...
bad-apple2015/01/15 05:12 Groping isn't a new should be discouraged..
Quote: Opium: Pepper-spray is useful but is not always reliable. A stun-gun however ... what could be more reliable than a Hello Kittie emblem and 19 000 000 Volts?
or that...
ladyme2015/01/18 20:01 Thankfully she wasn't harmed. I'm glad to not read some bloke comment she must have been in skimpy or seductive dress
_LeGoLaS_2015/01/20 13:47 problem with attitude of men towards women