A political decision regarding a war has nothing to do with the politics and politics behind war?

and what about the sideswipe that amounts to "Islam = evil" as justification of the decision, this has nothing to do with tolerance?
I may not be an English first language speaker but in any language you cannot dismiss a rebuttal to a debate point you raised yourself because it is inconvenient. You raise your own points in defense or counter ... Now are you actually going to counter any of the points or are you going to assume more things about me, because I guess English being my second language is more relevant to the decisions of the Australian government than trivial things like politics and equality before the law. No?
No matter how much you try to twist it and no matter how many IDs you create to deceive the people, Facts remain: Australia is banning terrorism and because it would ban islam by default mulla-molvis are butthurt.. so are you.