Muslim Leaders in Australia Say... by TheOne 2015/01/01 21:39
Muslim Leaders in Australia Say Banning Terrorism Will Ban Islam

A Muslim cleric who preaches from certain passages of the Koran could be caught in the “broad” net of the government’s new anti-terror law, Islamic leaders have warned.

Grand Mufti of Australia Ibrahim Abu Mohammad and the Australian National Imams Council have called for the offence of “advocating terrorism” to be removed from the so-called Foreign Fighters Bill, currently before Parliament.
TheOne 2015/01/01 21:42

They have a point. It’s just usually one that they aren’t willing to admit in public. The Jihad comes from the Koran. Every act of Muslim violence that is religiously sanctioned, from terrorism to rape, is derived from the Koran. If you ban incitement to violence against non-Muslims, you criminalize the Koran.

Islam and terrorism. The two are intertwined.

Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing.”

Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

Quran (9:5) – “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them.”

You can’t ban terrorism without banning Islam.

In its submission, the Islamic Council of Victoria said the new law would incriminate Muslims who support “legitimate forms of armed struggle”, including resistance to the Assad regime in Syria and the Palestinian conflict with Israel.

TheOne 2015/01/01 21:45
So the argument is that they want to promote “good terrorism” against Jews and they don’t want to be sanctioned for it. Muslim settlers. Australia clearly needs more of them to create a tolerant society. A tolerant society which promotes the “legitimate” murder of Jews.

“Criminalising the act of ‘advocating terrorism’ adds another layer of complexity to this issue. The scope of what constitutes ‘advocating terrorism’ is unclear.”

It’s not that unclear, except to Muslims, who insist that killing terrorists is terrorism… but terrorism is legitimate.

The council identified what it says is a double standard in Muslims wanting to go to Syria and Iraq to provide aid having their passports cancelled “while ignoring the travel of Zionist Jews wishing to travel to Israel – a state which illegally occupies Palestinian territory with intention of fighting in a war against Gazans and has been accused of war crimes”.


But setting aside whatever views anyone may have on Israel, Aussies traveling to Israel to fight with the IDF are not going to go back to Sydney and kill people. The same can’t be said for Muslim settlers in Australia traveling to join terrorist groups.

It’s not a double standard. Australia is trying to prevent terror attacks on its own soil. Muslim leaders insist that banning terrorism will outlaw their legitimate right to kill Jews and promote the murder of non-Muslims for “legitimate” reasons.

Xiao Zen 2015/01/04 11:04
Australia preaching tolerance, will wonders never cease ...

While I do not support terrorism in any form I find it ironic that our governments can provide arms and funding to some parties in a conflict when it suites our political agendas, allow some foreign fighters to go to war-zones and return unimpeded while disavowing others and malign one religion and exalt another and then without any hint of irony take their turn on the moral soap box and declare certain things with a perfectly straight face. And they say the universe does not have a sense of humour.

TheOne 2015/01/05 05:27
Quote: Opium: Australia preaching tolerance, will wonders never cease ...

While I do not support terrorism in any form I find it ironic that our governments can provide arms and funding to some parties in a conflict when it suites our political agendas, allow some foreign fighters to go to war-zones and return unimpeded while disavowing others and malign one religion and exalt another and then without any hint of irony take their turn on the moral soap box and declare certain things with a perfectly straight face. And they say the universe does not have a sense of humour.

You're going off-track with respect to the news, this topic has nothing to do with wars and the politics behind wars. It simply says Australia wants to ban terrorism and Muslim clerics oppose it by saying it would ban islam automatically. Further, it talks nothing of Australian tolerance. I think you better join language classes because despite your dense vocab you seem to not infer simple matters.

bad-apple 2015/01/05 09:59
Terrorists are funded by the illuminati and allies of America..go and read the history books first..and as per the glorious Quran , to kill an innocent human is as if you have killed the entire humanity and vice versa.
Terrorists have no religion..they just use religion to put a veil on their heinous crimes. I suggest you to read a detailed summary of the verses you quoted

Xiao Zen 2015/01/05 12:35
Quote: TheOne:
You're going off-track with respect to the news, this topic has nothing to do with wars and the politics behind wars. It simply says Australia wants to ban terrorism and Muslim clerics oppose it by saying it would ban islam automatically. Further, it talks nothing of Australian tolerance. I think you better join language classes because despite your dense vocab you seem to not infer simple matters.

A political decision regarding a war has nothing to do with the politics and politics behind war? /smiley and what about the sideswipe that amounts to "Islam = evil" as justification of the decision, this has nothing to do with tolerance?

I may not be an English first language speaker but in any language you cannot dismiss a rebuttal to a debate point you raised yourself because it is inconvenient. You raise your own points in defense or counter ... Now are you actually going to counter any of the points or are you going to assume more things about me, because I guess English being my second language is more relevant to the decisions of the Australian government than trivial things like politics and equality before the law. No?

TheOne 2015/01/06 11:43
Quote: bad-apple: Terrorists are funded by the illuminati and allies of America..go and read the history books first..and as per the glorious Quran , to kill an innocent human is as if you have killed the entire humanity and vice versa.
Terrorists have no religion..they just use religion to put a veil on their heinous crimes. I suggest you to read a detailed summary of the verses you quoted

'Yes terrorists are funded by illuminati & america and Donald duck is actually the mastermind /smiley

TheOne 2015/01/06 11:46
Quote: Opium:

A political decision regarding a war has nothing to do with the politics and politics behind war? /smiley and what about the sideswipe that amounts to "Islam = evil" as justification of the decision, this has nothing to do with tolerance?

I may not be an English first language speaker but in any language you cannot dismiss a rebuttal to a debate point you raised yourself because it is inconvenient. You raise your own points in defense or counter ... Now are you actually going to counter any of the points or are you going to assume more things about me, because I guess English being my second language is more relevant to the decisions of the Australian government than trivial things like politics and equality before the law. No?

No matter how much you try to twist it and no matter how many IDs you create to deceive the people, Facts remain: Australia is banning terrorism and because it would ban islam by default mulla-molvis are butthurt.. so are you.

TheOne 2015/01/06 11:46
Good effort thopugh. *claps*
Xiao Zen 2015/01/07 20:56
Quote: TheOne: Good effort thopugh. *claps*

Then it is a pity I cannot say the same for you. You seem to have a very shaky understanding of the word "fact" and often confuse it with "opinion" along with a chronic inability to debate on merit, instead you focus on trivial things first and now baseless accusation both of which have nothing to do with the argument ... No matter, many "debates" in New+Factual end in this way so it was not unexpected.

TheOne 2015/01/09 21:51
Quote: Opium:

Then it is a pity I cannot say the same for you. You seem to have a very shaky understanding of the word "fact" and often confuse it with "opinion" along with a chronic inability to debate on merit, instead you focus on trivial things first and now baseless accusation both of which have nothing to do with the argument ... No matter, many "debates" in New+Factual end in this way so it was not unexpected.

Read the topic title again.. calm down

Dr.SusuSwamy 2015/01/27 05:24
It is like saying banning RSS will ban our virat religion. PTs please dont post such topics and disclose Virat IQ level as this is an international community and people may question with reasoning. Anyway Australia (asthra laya) belonged to akhand bharatha in ancient periods but later due to missionary conspiracies our virat ancestors could not bear the weather conditions there, hence they took pushpak vimanas to comeback to Akhand Bharatha. On my way to file a PIL in antar rashtriya nyalaya..
Kayli 2015/02/01 21:29
Cant they just live in peace ?
FasistGrowinReligion 2015/02/03 04:09
Camoonal post. Champak means peace
TheOne 2015/02/04 12:15
Quote: Dr.SusuSwamy: It is like saying banning RSS will ban our virat religion. PTs please dont post such topics and disclose Virat IQ level as this is an international community and people may question with reasoning. Anyway Australia (asthra laya) belonged to akhand bharatha in ancient periods but later due to missionary conspiracies our virat ancestors could not bear the weather conditions there, hence they took pushpak vimanas to comeback to Akhand Bharatha. On my way to file a PIL in antar rashtriya nyalaya..

Fake accounts can't justify brutality of your religion. Sarcasm too is only effective when used with truth.

TheOne 2015/02/15 19:11
Quote: Kayli: Cant they just live in peace ?

Nope.. it's in their desert blood

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