How can a person know which religion is right? by
Rango 2014/12/30 10:25
(1) ON WHAT ARE ITS TEACHINGS BASED? Are they from God, or are they largely from men? (2 Tim. 3:16; Mark 7:7)
Ask, for example: Where does the Bible teach that God is a Trinity? Where does it say that the human soul is immortal?
(2) CONSIDER WHETHER IT IS MAKING KNOWN THE NAME OF GOD.Jesus said in prayer to God: "I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world." (John 17:6) He declared: "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service."
jaQui 2015/01/17 08:29
There are many religions in the
world. Nearly every religion claims
that it is the only right religion. It is very confusing but Christianity is right for me.
Rango 2014/12/30 10:46
(Matt. 4:10) Has your religion taught you that 'it is Jehovah you must worship'? Have you come to know the person identified by that name-his purposes, his activities, his qualities-so that you feel you can confidently draw close to him?
(3) IS TRUE FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST BEING DEMONSTRATED? This involves appreciation of the value of sacrifice of Jesus' human life and of his position today as heavenly king.(John 3:36; Ps. 2:6-8) Such appreciation is shown by obeying Jesus-sharing personally and zealously in_
Rango 2014/12/30 11:00
_the work that he assigned to his followers.True religion has such faith that is accompanied by works.-Jas. 2:26
God strongly disapproves of religion that is merely a formalism. (Isa. 1:15-17) True religion upholds the Bible's standard of morality and clean speech instead of weakly going along with popular trends. (1 Cor. 5:9-13; Eph. 5:3-5) Its members reflect the fruits of God's spirit in their lives. (Gal. 5:22,23)
Rango 2014/12/30 11:13
(5) DO ITS MEMBERS TRULY LOVE ONE ANOTHER? Jesus said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." (John 13:35) Such love reaches across racial, social, and national boundaries, drawing pple together in genuine brotherhood.So strong is this love that it sets them apart as being truly different.When the nations go to war, who have enough love for their christian brothers in other lands that they refuse to take up arms and kill them? That is what early Christians did.
Rango 2014/12/30 11:24
(6) IS IT TRULY SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD? Jesus said that his true followers would be "no part of the world." (John 15:19) To worship God in a manner that he approves requires that we keep ourselves "without spot from the world." (Jas. 1:27) Can that be said of those whose clergy and other members are involved in politics, or whose lives are largely built around materialistic and fleshly desires? 1 John 2:15-17.
Rango 2014/12/30 11:40
Jesus foretold: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."(Matt. 24:14) What religion is realy proclaiming God's kingdom as the hope of mankind instead of encouraging people to look to human rulership to solve there problems? Has your religion equipped you to share in this activity, and to do it from house to house as Jesus taught his appostles to do?
Eleto 2014/12/30 20:10
Thanks for sharing pastor.
jaQui 2014/12/31 01:32
It is very confusing
Samuel099 2014/12/31 06:28
I dont believe in any man made religious but I do believe in God and his words and laws in the bible. read Act:17-28. lol. I dont wanna bring any bible quote I just hate man made religious
Rango 2015/01/01 14:41
Samuel099: I dont believe in any man made religious but I do believe in God and his words and laws in the bible. read Act:17-28. lol. I dont wanna bring any bible quote I just hate man made religious
God-made religion is 'the true religion' and yet it's up to man to practice true worship and doing all the above.
Rango 2015/01/01 14:59
What do you think is the religion which was made by God.The religion that does what God wants people to do?Whatever it is, can you give evidence from the Holly Book of 'that religion'
If only you believed in the Bible, it would be easier for u to believe my quotes
TheOne 2015/01/14 18:07
Most of these religions have a single man god.. because you know how women were oppressed in that time when these religions furnished.. So if you find a woman god in a religion and if that religion has no messenger/profit then it's probably the correct one Because top famous religions have a prophet on the name of whom the businessMEN of that religion earns profit... It's all a propaganda by powerful entrepreneurs
TheOne 2015/01/14 18:08
P.s. Bible has funny stories
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