couples and protection by
InternetLord 2014/12/27 16:26
Is it normal for married couples to be using
protections after having there kids????
bad-apple 2014/12/27 17:45
Ya... otherwise they gonna have more kids..
TemPEST 2014/12/27 18:21
but its not abnormal
jaQui 2014/12/27 19:22
O' yeah, absolutely !
Samuel099 2014/12/27 22:03
It will depend on the couples.... I think they must made an agreement to the number of kids to be born after marriage....
NinthElement 2014/12/27 23:04
Contraception is a must if we're gonna slow down our crazy population growth.
Infinite 2014/12/28 02:36
To protect their kids, it's necessary.
detrimentum 2014/12/28 06:48
Hell yes, its even normal if they don't have kids. the catholics aren't allowed too, those poor women.... I bet they hate sex. I know a woman who had a baby at 45, because of her age she now has a mentally disabled son, and she's still not allowed to use birth control or tie her ovaries. its terribly unfair and sadistic.
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