What my book says is true by
Dabangg 2014/12/14 20:46
Wash ur eyes with holy peace before u read this becos this is my holy revilation of me being God.
Yes, I have written a book and it's first verse 0.1:1 says "Oh ye Dabangg Almighty, it shall be known by the world that thou areth God, there's no Godth except thou"
Now, do u get what I say?
There's only one God which is me and it's clearly written in mah holey book!
If yuh dont believe then yuh must repent infidel! I'll wait in every ambush to kill you in a holey war!
Im a peaceful God remember!
Dabangg 2014/12/14 20:48
Why won't yuh believe when its written in mah book? yuh hav to believe there's no way yuh can't believe
detrimentum 2014/12/17 03:52
Dabangg: Why won't yuh believe when its written in mah book? yuh hav to believe there's no way yuh can't believe
Your grammar is unholy!
Dabangg 2014/12/17 11:15
princess_Soniya: please keep to the topic and stop name calling thank you
Sister is told the truth.. talk in the point of matter
Dabangg 2014/12/22 09:15
Your grammar is unholy!
Dabangg 2014/12/22 15:39
Waht mayi book said is ture! Yuh raysict
detrimentum 2014/12/22 15:56
Waht mayi book said is ture! Yuh raysict
racist? No, I believe I'm discriminating. And I also believe you are pretending to be an idiot. Why?
Dabangg 2014/12/22 15:59
racist? No, I believe I'm discriminating. And I also believe you are pretending to be an idiot. Why?
Biradar yuh hart mayi centimens. reed these
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