Power of Rajnikant by
Rohan786 2014/12/12 08:39
The Bermuda triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, untill Rajnikant kicked of the corner off.
detrimentum 2014/12/12 11:36
is he the indian version of Chuck Noris?
Samuel099 2014/12/12 14:33
I love above question
maybe Jet Li or Bruce Lee
haris 2014/12/12 17:55
ethereal: is he the indian version of Chuck Noris?
chuck noris was once inspired by rajnikanth..
detrimentum 2014/12/13 04:18
haris: chuck noris was once inspired by rajnikanth..
Lol... I want to meet this man.
haris 2014/12/13 22:33
Lol... I want to meet this man.
alright. he is currently shooting in Mars.
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