Farthest goaning relegion by
Dabangg 2014/12/10 05:31
Yaah beRather yeets myee relegion.
Our god is Masala, our holey brook is currant!
We kaan merry mayknee wimmin even chilled once. Farget myee inglish linwage Im lurnin in mother sauce.
Sea, these wolld wash foamed by aar masala god bye speeding it liek a bad.. (Chaptor 420, worse 9:2:11)
Then he ardurred as to plow thah feeleds of wimmin (Chapter 143, Worse 6:9)
Then he ardurred as to keel thah naan-beliebers (Spatial chaptor: Jast-in)
aar God gat the most fallaworse own tweetor.
Naw conwort aand boh two mah Gawd!!!
Dabangg 2014/12/10 05:36
I waan u maak it tapic aaf thah they!!! Donet heart mah santimans
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