modern technology by D.cole 2014/12/09 01:15
Modern technology is one of big problem that quickly brake relationship between two lover.
And even though when we get married we can change our sim card be cause is one of problem that affect marriage
Not all people will know that somebody that he or she is charting with or give call to before is now married,so to avoid such a things we have to do this in order to life better.
And true this most people BP (blood pressure) is rise always even most have died through this.
And when we talk of network that quickly break relationship there are> Whatsapp,badoo,bbm,2go and so on
because it happen to some people when old toaster call one lady that just married to someone
Not that the toaster knows that she's now married to someone.
So this is one things we should caution our self to in order to avoid shame.
And some country can not having sex except when they get married before they now having sex,that is there culture.
and some country are not look that one but when they now married they will stop doing sheet.
But during there sleeping with man or boy necked around they can video them or snap them picture during sex which they will now post to facebook and you tube and bluetooth devise.
And let me ask you who can now marry such a people? Because they are now useless
So let us be careful for these things is very important.

saahir 2014/12/09 03:43
bad-apple 2014/12/09 15:01
well the msg u r sending across is right if I correctly understood...we have lost the essence of life by getting over dependent on technology
fdnoble2 2014/12/11 17:38
U dont need to cut out chatting is one the easiet way to pass information across d world in few seconds.
fdnoble2 2014/12/11 17:39
U dont need to cut out chatting is one of the easiet way to pass information across d world in few seconds.
D.cole 2014/12/15 06:50
I appreciate you all
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