>Fist bumb may beat Handshakes for cleanliness by Kayli 2014/11/30 19:32
Researchers report that an alternative 2 th traditional handshakes might spread fewer germs around. In thr experiments th scientists found that clasping hands transferred about 10 times more germs from 1 person 2 the other than what is known as a fist bumb. They suggest the more cassual exchange might suffice as a cultural subtitute 4 the firm gripping of hands. Adoption of th fist bumb as a greeting could substantially reduce the transmission of infectious diseases between individuals. Its unlikely that a NO-CONTACT greeting could supplant th handshake. However, 4 the sake of improving public health, ppl should use the Fist bumb . We touch doors knobs, and rails multi times throughout the day. We sneeze and cough into our hands, and then we shake hands which serve as a transport of transmission of many germs. U never know whr that person touches th last time. And then they carry that germs onto u. So stay away from handshakes '
Samuel099 2014/11/30 20:48
Whatever it has been made still I can read but my answer to your post was that I cant stop the traditional way also so-called scientist were the people killing as because of chemicals. I for instance dislike/hate anything containing or made by chemicals so I dont think that thing might happen to me
saahir 2014/12/01 01:34
Good information. /smiley for sharing.
ABHIRAJ 2014/12/01 02:29
Gud informotion..
detrimentum 2014/12/01 18:43
this is over doing it.... people have survived for millennia, shaking hands.
dellie 2014/12/02 07:09
This a little extermine in my boot but to each his own!
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