I Missed you [5p] by Samuel099 2014/11/30 05:05
I was at the forest. calling for help bcoz I missed my forum!

Fishes cheer me up!

Samuel got talent, fishes go silent!

I'm fishing for dolphins
Now at the oceans
In some occasions!

I miss my forum my forum misses me!

I make a deal now its over!
.hehe. .luv.
jaQui 2014/11/30 06:27
Why all the space in between?
I realy dont like posting in such topix n also lengthy topix, it feels like flooding my fone.../smiley

Samuel099 2014/11/30 06:30
Quote: jacki: Why all the space in between?
I realy dont like posting in such topix n also lengthy topix, it feels like flooding my fone.../smiley
Sweety I like using that when creating songs, poem and stories.

TemPEST 2014/11/30 10:38
Embrace ur forum
Samuel099 2014/12/05 21:00
Quote: TemPEST: Embrace ur forum
Will u stop commenting on my post also cancel your friend request (tnx)

TemPEST 2014/12/05 23:18
Quote: Samuel099: Will u stop commenting on my post also cancel your friend request (tnx)
what use *sigh*

Samuel099 2014/12/05 23:21
TemPEST 2014/12/05 23:22
Quote: Samuel099: Fkn btc Jpk. Ha Ha Ha enjoy my fj brain

Kumz 2014/12/07 12:18
Dolphins are not fish, lad.
Samuel099 2014/12/11 08:22
Quote: Kumz: Dolphins are not fish, lad.
were they leaving with us or in seas, water and blah? your scientist said they're predators that make me laugh

#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.