>Health or Money by Kayli2014/11/25 15:18 If u have a choice. What will u choose ? Health or Money. (remember money cant buy health)
Samuel0992014/11/25 15:21 Hahaha I will choose health because Money is like magic so i dont think its a good choose. its automatically that if you have a good health you can work hard and earn a living but if you'ave money you cant go anyway so i think its usesless.
nazeer2014/11/25 15:40 of course health ...health and health.
NAASH2014/11/25 16:11 I know money can't buy health. But money can save health.. Lots of kids and peoples are suffering from disease..and most of them are not cured well because of less money. So money can help lots of suffering health in this world . So Health and money both are most important in our life*nice*
Georginia2014/11/25 16:19 I will choose both. If one option left den i wud go for money to get my health back if m sick n go to the doctor to get cured, but without money no free meds sis except govt hospital
ABHIRAJ2014/11/25 16:26 Health...healthy person can earn money if he or she want