Idiot Suggestion (Delete, Delete and Delete) by Idiot 2014/11/22 16:22
I saw many members give suggestion ^o^ i want to give my idiot suggestion too to Ragnorak mwehehehehe Lets delete!
Idiot 2014/11/22 16:31
Delete 1
Delete all personal smilies!
In exchange, make a bbcode for gif animated link like you do for jpg pict ^o^ so members can upload their personal smilies on other host and just use the link here /smiley wolllaaa youve free some space for your site
Maybe you can limit the size of gif to be animated mmmm... like 25 kb ^o^ more than that size wiil be appears as non animated gif pict

Idiot 2014/11/22 16:38
Delete 2
Delete all Download Items!
Cmon ^o^ theres many host out there that allow us to upload our files in free. Mediafire, Gdrive, firedrive etc etc etc /smiley you dont have to host your members files
In exchange, make a better bbcode for redirrect links mwehehehehe and wolllllaaa again! you free much much much more space for your own site

Idiot 2014/11/22 16:45
Delete 3
Delete all Registered Members /smiley Lets start from the begining. This time use email verification to regiester ^o^ i mean a real email verification! If you have a good site, you dont need to worry there wont be no more member will register
Look at now, even you make the registration easy, all you got only some dumb member creating nick again and again and again (including me /smiley )
Aaaaand Wooolllllaaaa /smiley youve free your site from some asshole /smiley

Idiot 2014/11/22 16:55
End of Deletation
- You can use your free space for members to upload their picts for their profile as much as they want or to make a new feature
- Allow members to edit their own pst ^o^ its a standard features on a forum. Usualy use to update 1st post by Topic Starter
Ex. I create a topic about Game Euro Truck Simulator 2, but 2 weeks after that theres a new patch released for that game, so i can edit my 1st post and add that new patch link to that post ^o^ first post is the full information of a topic

Idiot 2014/11/22 16:56
To be continued /smiley
NinthElement 2014/11/22 18:31
Quote: Idiot: Delete 1
Delete all personal smilies!
In exchange, make a bbcode for gif animated link like you do for jpg pict ^o^ so members can upload their personal smilies on other host and just use the link here /smiley wolllaaa youve free some space for your site
Maybe you can limit the size of gif to be animated mmmm... like 25 kb ^o^ more than that size wiil be appears as non animated gif pict
There is a strong case for this, as due to the way smilies are displayed it is desirable to have a lower quantity for efficiency purposes. If we did this, the smilies could still be hosted on 2wap without any problem but not coded into the actual smilies script which in theory could make pages load slightly faster (though in practice we might not notice it).

NinthElement 2014/11/22 18:35
Quote: Idiot: Delete 2
Delete all Download Items!
Cmon ^o^ theres many host out there that allow us to upload our files in free. Mediafire, Gdrive, firedrive etc etc etc /smiley you dont have to host your members files
In exchange, make a better bbcode for redirrect links mwehehehehe and wolllllaaa again! you free much much much more space for your own site
We already have unlimited disk space, so I don't foresee a situation where we will need to do this especially considering we only allow small files to be uploaded. Of course we want our hyperlink bbcodes to be as easy as possible for those who find it easier to link from elsewhere, and hope this is already the case.

NinthElement 2014/11/22 18:49
Quote: Idiot: Delete 3
Delete all Registered Members /smiley Lets start from the begining. This time use email verification to regiester ^o^ i mean a real email verification! If you have a good site, you dont need to worry there wont be no more member will register
Look at now, even you make the registration easy, all you got only some dumb member creating nick again and again and again (including me /smiley )
Aaaaand Wooolllllaaaa /smiley youve free your site from some asshole /smiley
Nope, we're not going to be deleting any accounts for this purpose /smiley We do have an email verification method already, but we keep it switched off most of the time. We limited it to Gmail because someone found it too easy to make multiple mail accounts with other providers, and most web users have a Google account these days anyway.

NinthElement 2014/11/22 19:10
Quote: Idiot: End of Deletation
- You can use your free space for members to upload their picts for their profile as much as they want or to make a new feature
- Allow members to edit their own pst ^o^ its a standard features on a forum. Usualy use to update 1st post by Topic Starter
Ex. I create a topic about Game Euro Truck Simulator 2, but 2 weeks after that theres a new patch released for that game, so i can edit my 1st post and add that new patch link to that post ^o^ first post is the full information of a topic
As mentioned above we have unlimited storage, so there is already no such limitation on our scope for photo uploads or new features. There will be editing options available for all from sometime next month to coincide with the launch of New 2WapWorld.

TemPEST 2014/11/22 21:54
60% rated sug
KingFISHER 2014/11/23 01:35
Best of luck Ragnorak sir.
NinthElement 2014/11/23 03:37
Quote: Libra: Thank goodness this site doesn't have ads . I hate them
I feel the same way, so there will never be ads on the mobile version of this site. /smiley

lonely_S2 2014/11/23 18:15
its 4 laugh or cry most of the times whn i come online the site is empty or near that i enter and many ppl apear hahaha my english is bad but try 2 understan wht m saying lol
ACIDized 2015/03/11 14:35
Most of restrict zombie members, who only post "nice topic, well said, true Post". What are we 7 year olds?
ladyme 2015/03/22 04:46
At ACIDized .lol.
jaQui 2015/03/23 14:10
Quote: ACIDized: Most of restrict zombie members, who only post "nice topic, well said, true Post". What are we 7 year olds?

Kayli 2015/04/07 14:50
#96 2wap Info
A place for news, feedback and queries on 2WapWorld features and services. Newcomers feel free to introduce yourselves.