*brothers killed mum n sis* by
jaQui 2014/11/11 19:36
2 Brothers killed teenage
stepsisters and mother in
Lahore, Pakistan
Teens believed their stepsisters
were involved in prostitution
Slit their throats 'in the name of
honour' and confessed crime to
Two Pakistani teenagers have
confessed to murdering their
mother and stepsisters 'in the
name of honour', local police have
jaQui 2014/11/11 19:42
They had been suspecting that
their stepsisters were involved in
prostitution and killed their mother for 'supporting them'.
'We have no regrets because we
killed them in the name of honour,' the brother told The Express...
Attack: The brothers handed
themselves in to police.
ABHIRAJ 2014/11/11 19:58
Omg thts very sad..
This Honour killing realy is very bad..how can brothers be so cruel..thnx 4 sharing jacki
brightsquare 2014/11/11 21:54
Its quite unfortunate nd worrisome wit da rise in death toll,killings,suicide bombers,militants attacts nd other cruel acts in da middle east. Tnx 4 sharin jacki. #Let peace reign#
detrimentum 2014/11/12 13:02
cut of their genitals!!!! Honour? There's honour in murder? Some societies and their honour.... Its 2014, honour went out the window more than a century ago.
Samuel099 2014/11/12 14:19
According to me that brother must report to police or any elderly person around before taken an action, even after reporting, I dont think he should kill her, I cannot look at humanbeing n kill whether my sister or not. I dont want to hear the word honour.
-LILY- 2014/11/12 14:36
omg painful nd how crule heartless ppls..
Xiao Zen 2014/11/26 13:10
ethereal: cut of their genitals!!!! Honour? There's honour in murder? Some societies and their honour.... Its 2014, honour went out the window more than a century ago.
Honor exists, even in 2014, even though many conveniently forget what exactly it is but there is no honor in murdering defenseless women, you are right in this. It is a barbaric practice with no place in the world.
jaQui 2014/11/27 11:10
if u read d content u,ll c its 2 bro
killed 2 sis and mum n gave dem selves over to poliice.
detrimentum 2014/11/27 16:13
Honor exists, even in 2014, even though many conveniently forget what exactly it is but there is no honor in murdering defenseless women, you are right in this. It is a barbaric practice with no place in the world.
maybe... But its very rare. By honour I mean a man/woman being crushed along with their honour. There was a time when people cared more about their honour than love.
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