LUST not LOVE/D POWER OF LOVE. by Ogenecome 2014/11/08 17:30
Generaly am always anioyed wen i see,hear and am told about people marraige issues.that is DIVORCE.presently now divorce has gone up to 98% allover d world.wen i hear that man divorce his WIFE or WOMAN his husband,it is a SAD ISSUE to me BECAUSE of d LITTLE KONWLEDGE i have about d word "LOVE";.wen i log into my mobo account notice that majority of them say about 25-35 yrs,less majority 35-60 yrs and few 65-80 are divorce women and few men. Wht a world we live in.CELEBRATIES are even d worst,forgeting that marriage is an institutn ordained by God GENESIS 3. PASTORS,CHRISTIAN AND HEATHEN are also GUILTY of this,forgeting d GENERAL LAW love ur nabour as ur self.PEOPLE who MARY and latter divorce mary out of LUST nt LOVE.for 1 corinthian 13:8,13.tell us that love is without DIVORCE,and i wonder after taking d MOST DANGEROUS vow:D SOLEM VOW they still go on to divorce there by breaking d law of love.hw far can our love go,wht is its breath.
bad-apple 2014/11/13 11:38
divorce is considered a major sin in Islam...
TemPEST 2014/11/15 06:50
I wouldn't divorce
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