Yes or No??? by
Samuel099 2014/10/27 10:40
What will you do if an online friend tells you to apologized him in public without offending or doing anything bad against such a person.
Will you apogize, yes or no?
dont delete my post please.
ABHIRAJ 2014/10/27 18:27
How can anyone make u do tht unless u are not offended.. If some one ask u to apoloize means u have done somthing wrong..
NAASH 2014/10/28 02:43
Samuel099: What will you do if an online friend tells you to apologized him in public without offending or doing anything bad against such a person.
Will you apogize, yes or no?
dont delete my post please.
If any 2wap friends is saying this to me, sure I'll say F***k 0ff and
dellie 2014/10/31 04:43
if i didnt do anything in first place there is no reason to applogize!
Samuel099 2014/11/04 09:34
I did nothing to that 2wap friend!
I Will Not and forever beg or apologize anyone that i havent hurt on earth, God knows that I'm fautless. to be honest i will not beg you willy-nilly. haha ..
I'm not a servant to beg. Hate me forever!!! ugh why?
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