The wrong type by Sweet_Bong_Angel 2014/10/25 14:41
How can a girl get attention of a guy her type?
I always seem to attract the wrong type. Some guys wanted to use me physically while some did emotionally. While all my friends are happily in relationships for 4-5 years now and some even planning their marriage,I am yet to meet a nice, decent guy who would want me for more than just sex. Last time I was asked out by a guy, it turned out that the guy is a sex starved pervert!
I am not a flirtatious girl who'll go up to a guy and start up a conversation. But it seems that I give out wrong signals to the wrong guys.
Maybe I am cursed or not good looking enough for a guy to want me for a serious relationship.
Zaphara 2014/10/25 16:18
Just be yourself and be simple. Stay away to those pervert's and dnt let yourself in danger. Just keep on searching and take some time, b-cos someday you can find a right guy. hehehe

*Just enjoy yourself and stay what you are. /smiley

Aita 2014/10/26 11:26
Stay away from those guys who only want sex. Dont make urself cheap. .
Aita 2014/10/26 11:27
Stay away from those guys who only want sex. Dont make urself cheap. . U wont gain or loose anything. . Sex are for Married ppl only. !
saahir 2014/11/01 07:30
Turn your search to real life.
TemPEST 2014/11/15 09:51
Go to seminars
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