A very touching thought by
Anoop8187 2014/10/20 06:36
There are many people who are ready to cry when you die............... but .......... The one who is made for you is the one who is ready to die whenever you cry
Georginia 2014/10/20 06:41
Only a person who is truely in love with each other is ready to die wen u cry
Anoop8187 2014/10/20 06:47
Georginia: Only a person who is truely in love with each other is ready to die wen u cry
detrimentum 2014/10/20 09:39
I don't want someone to die if I cry... I cry easily, it would be a ticking time bomb.
jaQui 2014/10/20 10:58
U are right. The one who is made for you is the one who is ready to die whenever you cry, is the one
who truely loves u...
Samuel099 2014/10/20 14:36
Eeprom: ffs quit the depressing topics im go pop a vallium now
Hahaha i like your slang, I'm laughing here because of it.
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