Be aware about Ebola and keep safe. by KingFISHER 2014/10/19 15:09
There is currently an Ebola outbreak putting all of us at risk. Pls help educate all around u by sending and share this msg to all your contacts..

What is EBOLA?

It's a virus that attacks a person blood system:

Ebola is what scientists call a haemorraghic fever - it operates by making its victims bleed from almost

anywhere on their body.

Usually victims bleed to


Ebola is highly contagious;

Being transmitted via

contact with body fluids

such as blood, sweat, saliva,

semen or other body discharges.

Ebola is however NOT AN AIRBORNE VIRUS!


About 90% of people that

catch Ebola will die from it.

It's one of the deadliest

diseases in the world,

killing in just a few weeks.

Untreatable(no cure):

Ebola has no known treatment or cure.

Victims are usually treated for symptoms with the faint hope that they


How Do I Know Someone has Ebola?






Joint & Muscle pains

Stomach Pain

Lack of Appetite

Protect Yourself:

Wash Your Hands

with Soap

Do this a lot. You can

also use a good hand

sanitizer. Avoid

unnecessary physical contact with people.

Restrict yourself to food you prepared yourself.

Disinfect Your Surroundings

The virus cannot

survive disinfectants,heat, direct sunlight,detergents and soaps.

Clean up!:

Fumigate If you have Pests.

Rodents can be carriers of Ebola.

Fumigate your environment & dispose off the carcasses properly!

Dead bodies CAN still

transmit Ebola.

Don't touch them without

protective gear or better yet avoid them altogether.

Protect Yourself:

Use protective gear if you

must care or go near

someone you suspect has



Report any suspicious

symptoms in yourself or

anyone else IMMEDIATELY.

Do not delay! Educate Everyone: Tell your neighbours, colleagues and domestic staff (anyone really). Basically you're safer when everyone is educated.
KingFISHER 2014/10/19 15:15
This is a copy paste topic which has sent to me through whatsapp by my best friend Aita . So, all credit goes to her. Thank you!
saahir 2014/10/19 15:26
Its an important and useful topic brother. No problem, if it is copy & paste. Thank you for sharing with us.
detrimentum 2014/10/19 17:03
It started months ago... Guess only people living in Africa kept themselves updated in the beginning. Last month they put an add on mnet about how to protect yourself from Ebola.
__adisa__ 2014/10/19 20:19
.waiting. Thank you very.m mr.kingfisher its been monitored by the world health organization (w.h.o)
Georginia 2014/10/20 06:31
Thanks for sharing Big bro. Whether its copy paste no one cud object as it give lots of info for layman to protect themselves from this dangerous diseases.
Samuel099 2014/10/20 14:45
Quote: Eeprom: i fkd up in the supermarket ,ive bought bananas and seen country of origin is camaroon , luckily no ebola there yet but its closed borders with some its infected neighbours
Hahaha getting this info as litter bin because if you'll catch ebola or die no matter what you'll do!. best way to cut it short was to die, hahaha

Samuel099 2014/10/20 14:46
Quote: Eeprom: i fkd up in the supermarket ,ive bought bananas and seen country of origin is camaroon , luckily no ebola there yet but its closed borders with some its infected neighbours
Hahaha getting this info as litter bin because if you'll catch ebola or die no matter what you'll do!. best way to cut it short was to die, hahaha

Samuel099 2014/10/20 14:46
Quote: Eeprom: i fkd up in the supermarket ,ive bought bananas and seen country of origin is camaroon , luckily no ebola there yet but its closed borders with some its infected neighbours
Hahaha getting this info as litter bin because if you'll catch ebola or die no matter what you'll do!. best way to cut it short was to die, hahaha

Samuel099 2014/10/20 14:52
Should I stop chewing chicken and precious meat stored at the fridge?

No no I can't, thats impossible!

Do and die, I have to get it chewed and die better than leave it and die!

/smiley my chicken is cooked what should i do?

Samuel099 2014/10/20 14:57
Quote: Eeprom: some people's claims ebola is fake n man-made to cull the population /smiley thos rumours are just furthermore its spread as people whom believing it avoiding the helpers or attacking them ,foooooook meeee im glad im in uk ebola wont come here with winter in the doorstep
Eeprom ready to die, do you know hospital in uk are now finding solution to treat that ill, some of the infected peoples were there for treatment!
Haha I thank god i have left UK for 4 years!

detrimentum 2014/10/20 16:41
Quote: Eeprom: i fkd up in the supermarket ,ive bought bananas and seen country of origin is camaroon , luckily no ebola there yet but its closed borders with some its infected neighbours

Lol, bit paranoid there aren't ya?

Samuel099 2014/10/20 21:36
Quote: Eeprom: i fkd up in the supermarket ,ive bought bananas and seen country of origin is camaroon , luckily no ebola there yet but its closed borders with some its infected neighbours
Eeprom the copy paste giant and ..aff have gotten your first slang comment deleted and my quote too. i mean (mttf) slang. I think that will be g.s. check their ill comments and fetch them out with the corresponding abbre. g.s. -nana- (cbf) slangs

Samuel099 2014/10/20 21:39
Quote: Eeprom: i fkd up in the supermarket ,ive bought bananas and seen country of origin is camaroon , luckily no ebola there yet but its closed borders with some its infected neighbours
Eeprom the copy paste giant and ..aff have gotten your first slang comment deleted and my quote too. i mean (mttf) slang. I think that will be g.s. check their ill comments and fetch them out with the corresponding abbre. g.s. -nana- (cbf) slangs

Samuel099 2014/10/20 21:49
Eeprom why are you taking long process getting the work done in this month, we must start the game. 854841 pounds get it, do the f.adj work, update me any hidden secret thanks. We dont care for them and brainw... nice slang again (cmf).
Rkjo 2014/10/23 23:12
I can say after they didnt know what cause it they beginnin to mention some effect that all of us got sign when we feel sick, its only god know and its only goin to deliver us from dis disease
SkY2k 2015/11/09 19:08
We're Did Ebola Vanish too?...
SkY2k 2015/11/09 19:15
Quote: Eeprom: USA didn't make it robust enough ! V2 will probably be more effective ! I hope islamic state is next guinea pigs

Yeah I believe so,these Virus are all Man Made by people fail to realise this...

Smarty 2015/12/13 16:37
OK I will try to be aware about Ebola and keep safe.
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