F.A.M.T by Samuel099 2014/10/07 22:09

Stop reading and coping my post without making a comment or karma, fuck you hell.

Slow-witted always to copy others words.

Stop coping my post to fb and whatsapp. fuck you and your dirty mind!

DoN't deLete My PoSt
Samuel099 2014/10/07 22:13
Copy and past giant.

Fvck youuuuuuu!!!
get on your arse and do your best not to copy Mine

Samuel099 2014/10/08 08:00
I sees you
MY post

U want me to post new song in order to get it copied.

Shame on Youuuu

dellie 2014/10/10 16:26
Way to say it and i agree.
jaQui 2014/10/11 00:26
I agree with u but pls dont abuse sweetie...

TemPEST 2014/11/17 02:34
Too extreme
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.