Real day by Samuel099 2014/10/07 16:32
78% aren't sure of the day in which they were born. Im here to help you know the exact day you were born whether Sunday or Monday up to Saturday, I would be glad if you can inbox me your date of birth or write in comments.

Im not using magic please
Samuel099 2014/10/07 16:35
If you want to make a try, use different date of birth for it. e.g. 10 November 1994 thats Thursday,
Samuel099 2014/10/07 16:49
Quote me in order to get you replied fast.
Samuel099 2014/10/07 16:50
Quote me in order to get you replied fast.

Any date of birth you know whether of a president or anything just, comment by quote thanks

Samuel099 2014/10/07 16:54
Im a Christian but i just uses mathematical trick to know hahaha
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