I'm Not a Winner..!!! by saahir 2014/09/04 16:10
In Every Game I Play
I Always Like To Win
And I win.


I'm Always a

Do You Know















Play With It...!!!

_rOcK_ 2014/09/04 16:16
Well said. /smiley
-CeNaTioN- 2014/09/04 17:48
.jipi. hmmmm
Neeti 2014/09/04 18:06
that's means you are the real winner. well done.
ladyme 2014/09/04 18:40
If not playing with friendship/relationship makes one a looser, then that looser is a fantastic one. The type I want /smiley
ABHIRAJ 2014/09/04 19:47
Nyc thought...never play with our own love ones.
Kayli 2014/09/04 21:41
Every1 in this world ar a winner in the own way.
Daisy55 2014/09/05 05:09
For me its fun to play with my friends and same they do with me/smiley
-LILY- 2014/09/05 06:32
well said bro.. /smiley
saahir 2014/09/05 07:11
Quote: Daisy55: For me its fun to play with my friends and same they do with me/smiley

Rohan786 2014/09/05 12:35
WeLL said buddy
-Marizelle- 2014/09/05 12:36
Super topic
Georginia 2014/09/06 07:57
Well done bro /smiley
__adisa__ 2014/09/07 22:37
_SonIcGirL_ 2014/09/08 06:32
SAGITTARIUS 2014/09/08 12:18
Every break-up leads one step closer to a successful relationship.
Marlou 2014/09/09 00:36
Well, dont think negatively. We will never win if we think we will not. /smiley To be happy is to think positively always. No matter if you will loose or win.
fairy78 2014/09/18 19:08
thats gud
saahir 2014/09/21 14:26
Quote: fairy78: thats gud


wiLLyRockz 2014/10/04 15:46
May b u cn play for njoy /smiley
saahir 2014/10/04 17:03
Frienship is a relation with very sacred value. Its not a relation to play with. If we play we may lose good friends for ever.
Replies: 27

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