ChessBoards improvements by NinthElement2014/09/04 00:51 Hi everyone, some improvements have been added to the Chessboards feature, now you can play with move validation which means you won't make an illegal move by mistake. It will also detect when a king is in check -king-
The move validation feature is in beta testing at the moment, so if you find any gremlins (demo1) with it while playing don't hesitate to let me know the details (you can switch it on or off at any time during a game). Separately, it will now be displayed on the main menu if there is a waiting game, so it shouldn't take so long for another player to join. More refinements will be added soon to make this the best place to play chess on the mobile web.
UPDATE 05/09/14:
The Moves list has now evolved into Game history -wizard- This allows you to click on any move and view the position when that move was made. You can even replay or rewind the entire game from there for reviewing purposes!
Note that this feature will only be available for moves made from today onwards. Coming soon players will be able to agree to instantly reverse a game to any previous position via the Game history.
NinthElement2014/09/07 20:42 The way the board is displayed has now been upgraded, which should make it smoother to load and compatible with almost any phone (or web) browser. You will also be able to download the image of the board from any position. Note this change will not be apparent on old games unless a new move is made.
NinthElement2014/09/08 20:15 The options for reverting the board to an earlier position and for offering a draw have now been added.
KingFISHER2014/09/14 18:52 Good job Sir!!!! Keep it up!!!!
NinthElement2014/09/22 02:07 You can now comment on individual positions in the game histories of Chessboards
NinthElement2014/09/24 01:50 Register of players added. This will be gradually be refined to keep a comprehensive record of player activity, and also to provide interested opponents to select from (rather than simply your bud list).
NinthElement2014/09/24 02:14 The game history list now shows the proper notation for moves, for example Nf3 instead of g1-f3.
NinthElement2014/09/30 01:40 Players can now disable or enable public comments from the board, instead of making it a permanent setting when creating a board.
NinthElement2015/01/09 14:31 Number coordinates now appear at the side of the board (new version, except in UCweb and Opera Mini). Number of moves for each game shown in boards list, along with a filter at the top to hide boards with 1 move or less (both old and new version). Online indicator added for player whose move it is (new version, old version to follow soon).
NinthElement2015/01/09 22:32 Inbox alert will now be sent to an opponent when you request to revert to a previous position (old and new version).
NinthElement2015/02/03 22:51 Ranked Match mode added. This is the upgrade you've all been waiting for, which will allow for serious competition and ensure formal settlement of matches. The players list has also been improved - it now automatically includes every player who has actively played in the last 30 days, and displays an Elo rating for each player (the default is 1200). This will be adjusted depending on the strength of your opponent and whether you win, lose or draw.