*people's feelings* by jaQui2014/08/17 01:46 How to Be Sensitive to Other
People's Feelings... Sometimes
you want to snap back at them
about how pestering they are... You would be pretty hurt, wouldn't you...? when you talked to them doesn't mean they are constantly angry and depressed.
Think before you snap... And hurt many ppl's feelings... .flower1.
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my topic is not a blame game
detrimentum2014/08/17 11:07 I'm not always careful with my words. I don't swear at people though. I'm just a bit. . Mean sometimes i guess. I try not to be. With certain things i have extraordinary patience, with other thing i have none.
ABHIRAJ2014/08/18 13:13 We mst care others as we want to be cared....
nyc topic jacki
Boet2014/08/18 18:54 Very well phrased... However, situations arise where one is being abused verbally constantly by one or the other. Do you then just hold your peace and be "nice n civil" to such a person? Or do you stand up and express your viewpoint?
brightsquare2014/08/19 07:44 Firstly,da snap must be 4 da right reason nd I think after dat u draw him/her near 2u wit soft words.
Raul092014/08/21 15:52 u gotta put urself into the other person's shoe and think from his/her point of view... mood do fluctuates at times depending on the situation n circumstances.... just try n b a gud human being dats all....